Student Library Cards
Available for Crystal Lake Elementary District 47 Students
The Crystal Lake Public Library (CLPL) Board and the Crystal Lake Elementary District 47 (District 47) Board signed an intergovernmental agreement (District 47 IGA) in the fall of 2022. The agreement gives students who live outside city limits and attend a District 47 school access to CLPL books, services, and programs with student access cards. The District 47 IGA includes in-kind contributions by District 47 towards the cost of the cards and resources for unserved students. The District 47 IGA will enhance literacy for students as well as leverage tax dollars by sharing resources, facilities and staff expertise.
All District 47 students qualify for either a student access card, a Cards for Kids card, or a resident card. If a student qualifies for more than one type of library card, the student will get the card with the most access. Students who reside outside the city limits of Crystal Lake and would like more library access than the student access card provides can get a nonresident card when their parent or guardian pays a fee equal to what the library tax would be for that year if the property were located inside city limits.
Student Access Card (District 47 Students)![Image of Student Access Library Card]()
Student access cards are for students in grades K-8 in District 47 schools living outside of the city of Crystal Lake. Cards are available for the new school year starting August 1, 2024. Students entering grade 6 must renew their cards starting August 1, 2024.
- One card per District 47 student
- Card issued for the duration of elementary school (grades K-5) and the duration of middle school (grades 6-8)
- Check out up to three books or audiobooks at a time
- Access to CLPL’s online library databases, eLibrary (except Hoopla), and library programs
- District 47 students with a public library card from a neighboring library may choose to get a student access card to access CLPL library databases and CLPL programs
- For use by student only
- Valid only at the Crystal Lake Public Library, no reciprocal borrowing privileges
- To get a card: parent or guardian comes to the library with valid photo ID and current proof of address, and completes a library card application (and has not opted out of acknowledgement of library card agreement through District 47 school registration)
‘Cards for Kids’ Card
Students in 3-year-old preschool through 12th grade who live outside of library boundaries and are eligible for the Federal Free and Reduced-Price Meal Program qualify for a full-access library card through the Illinois Cards for Kids Act.
- One card per student
- Card issued for one year and can be renewed yearly
- Provides full borrowing privileges
- Reciprocal borrowing privileges with other public libraries in Illinois (can go to other public libraries, register as a reciprocal borrower and check out items from that library)
- To get a card: parent or guardian comes to the library with valid photo ID, current proof of address and proof of eligibility (letter from school or EBT card), and completes a library card application
Resident Card
Students living inside the Crystal Lake city boundaries qualify for a full-access CLPL card.
- One card per person in household
- Card issued for three years and can be renewed every three years
- Reciprocal borrowing privileges with other public libraries in Illinois (can go to other public libraries, register as a reciprocal borrower and check out items from that library)
- To get a card: parent or guardian comes to the library with valid photo ID and current proof of address, and completes a library card application
Nonresident Card
Parent or guardian can purchase a nonresident card if the student lives outside the city limits of Crystal Lake and would like more library access than the student access card provides.
- One card per person in household
- Card issued for one year and can be renewed yearly
- Reciprocal borrowing privileges with other public libraries in Illinois (can go to other public libraries, register as a reciprocal borrower and check out items from that library)
- To get a card: parent or guardian comes to the library with valid photo ID and current proof of address, completes a library card application, and pays a fee equal to what the library tax would be for that year if the property were inside city limits
Need more information or have other questions? Call the library at 815.459.1687 or email